Interface | Description |
MotionDetection.MotionDetectionListener | |
VuforiaLocalizer |
Robot "localization" denotes a robot's ability to establish its own position and
orientation within its frame of reference.
VuforiaTrackable |
VuforiaTrackable provides access to an individual trackable Vuforia target. |
VuforiaTrackable.Listener | |
VuforiaTrackables |
VuforiaTrackables represents a set of targets that can be visually tracked. |
Class | Description |
Acceleration |
Instances of
Acceleration represent the second derivative of Position over time. |
AngularVelocity |
Instances of
AngularVelocity represent an instantaneous body-referenced 3D rotation rate. |
MagneticFlux |
Instances of
MagneticFlux represent a three-dimensional magnetic strength vector. |
MotionDetection |
A class that will notify listeners when a phone is in motion.
NavUtil |
NavUtil is a collection of utilities that provide useful manipulations of
objects related to navigation. |
Orientation |
Instances of
Orientation represent a rotated stance in three-dimensional space
by way of a set of three successive rotations. |
Position |
Instances of
Position represent a three-dimensional distance in a particular distance unit. |
Quaternion |
Quaternion can indicate an orientation in three-space without the trouble of
possible gimbal-lock. |
Temperature |
Instances of
Temperature represent a temperature in a particular temperature scale. |
Velocity | |
VuforiaBase |
An abstract base class that provides simplified access to Vuforia.
VuforiaBase.TrackingResults | |
VuforiaLocalizer.CloseableFrame |
VuforiaLocalizer.CloseableFrame exposes a close() method so that one can proactively
reduce memory pressure when we're done with a Frame |
VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters |
VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters provides configuration information for instantiating the Vuforia localizer |
VuforiaRelicRecovery |
A class that provides simplified access to Vuforia for the Relic Recovery game (2017-2018).
VuforiaRelicRecovery.TrackingResults | |
VuforiaRoverRuckus |
A class that provides simplified access to Vuforia for the Rover Ruckus game (2018-2019).
VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener |
VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener is the default listener used for VuforiaTrackable
implementations. |
VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener.PoseAndCamera | |
VuMarkInstanceId |
VuMarkInstanceId captures the identifying state decoded from a particular instance
of a Vuforia VuMark. |
Enum | Description |
AngleUnit |
AngleUnit represents angles in different units of measure and
provides utility methods to convert across units. |
AxesOrder |
AxesOrder indicates the chronological order of axes about which the three rotations
of an Orientation take place. |
AxesReference |
AxesReference indicates whether we have intrinsic rotations, where the axes
move with the object that is rotating, or extrinsic rotations, where they remain fixed
in the world around the object. |
Axis |
Axis enumerates the common X,Y,Z three-dimensional orthogonal axes. |
DistanceUnit |
DistanceUnit represents a unit of measure of distance. |
Orientation.AngleSet |
Orientation.AngleSet is used to distinguish between the two sets of angles that will produce
a given rotation in a given axes reference and a given axes order |
RelicRecoveryVuMark |
Instances of
RelicRecoveryVuMark represent the VuMarks used in the Relic Recovery
FTC competition of 2017-18. |
Rotation |
Rotation captures an angluar direction of movement |
TempUnit |
Instances of
TempUnit enumerate a known different temperature scales |
UnnormalizedAngleUnit |
UnnormalizedAngleUnit represents angles in different units of measure and
provides utility methods to convert across units. |
VuforiaLocalizer.CameraDirection |
VuforiaLocalizer.CameraDirection enumerates the identities of the builtin phone cameras that Vuforia can use. |
VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters.CameraMonitorFeedback |
VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters.CameraMonitorFeedback enumerates the kinds of positioning feedback that
may be drawn in the camera monitor window. |
VuMarkInstanceId.Type |
VuMarkInstanceId.Type indicates the type of data that was found in the InstanceId
from which this data was decoded. |