Interface | Description |
AccelerationSensor |
Acceleration Sensor
AnalogInputController |
Interface for working with Analog Controllers
AnalogOutputController |
Interface for working with Analog Controllers
AnalogSensor |
Instances of this interface are sensors whose input is reported as a voltage level
to an analog to digital converter.
Blinker |
Blinker provides the means to control an LED or a light that can be illuminated in a
sequenced pattern of colors and durations. |
ColorSensor |
Color Sensor
CompassSensor |
Compass Sensor
CRServo |
CRServo is the central interface supported by continuous rotation servos
DcMotor |
DcMotor interface provides access to full-featured motor functionality.
DcMotorController |
Interface for working with DC Motor Controllers
DcMotorControllerEx |
DcMotorControllerEx is an optional motor controller interface supported by some hardware
that provides enhanced motor functionality.
DcMotorEx |
The DcMotorEx interface provides enhanced motor functionality which is available with some
hardware devices.
DcMotorSimple |
Instances of DcMotorSimple interface provide a most basic motor-like functionality
DeviceInterfaceModule |
DeviceInterfaceModule for working with various devices
DeviceManager | |
DigitalChannel |
DigitalChannel is an interface by which digital channels can be controlled. |
DigitalChannelController |
Interface for working with Digital Channel Controllers
DistanceSensor |
DistanceSensor may be found on hardware sensors which measure distance
by one means or another. |
Engagable |
The engageable interface can be used to temporarily disengage higher-level hardware objects
from the services they manipulate, then later be able to re-engage them.
Gamepad.GamepadCallback |
Optional callback interface for monitoring changes due to MotionEvents and KeyEvents.
Gyroscope |
Gyroscope interface exposes core, fundamental functionality that
is applicable to all gyroscopes: that of reporting angular rotation rate. |
GyroSensor |
Gyro Sensor
HardwareDevice |
Interface used by Hardware Devices
HardwareDeviceCloseOnTearDown |
Instances of
HardwareDeviceCloseOnTearDown are those which should be
automatically closed when we we 'teardown' a robot |
HardwareDeviceHealth |
HardwareDeviceHealth provides an indication of the perceived health of a hardware device |
I2cAddrConfig |
I2cAddrConfig allows the runtime I2C address used with a sensor to be changed
or queried. |
I2cAddressableDevice |
I2cAddressableDevice provides a means by which the address of a device
living on an I2C bus can be retrieved. |
I2cController |
Interface for working with Digital Channel Controllers
I2cController.I2cPortReadyBeginEndNotifications |
A callback interface through which a client can learn when portIsReady callbacks
begin and then later end.
I2cController.I2cPortReadyCallback |
Callback interface for I2C port ready notifications
I2cControllerPortDevice |
The I2cControllerPortDevice interface should be supported by hardware devices which
occupy a port on an I2cController.
I2cDevice |
I2cDevice interface abstracts the engine used to interact on with a specific I2c device
on a port of an I2cController . |
I2cDeviceSynch |
I2cDeviceSynch is an interface that exposes functionality for interacting with I2c
devices. |
I2cDeviceSynchReadHistory |
I2cDeviceSynchReadHistory provides a means by which one can be guaranteed
to be informed of all data read by through an I2cDeviceSynch . |
I2cDeviceSynchSimple |
I2cDeviceSyncSimple is an interface that provides simple synchronous read and write
functionality to an I2c device.
IntegratingGyroscope |
For gyroscopes which perform angular rotation rate integration inside the sensor,
IntegratingGyroscope provides a means by which the integrated rotation
can be easily retrieved. |
IrSeekerSensor |
IR Seeker Sensor
LegacyModule |
Legacy Module for working with NXT devices.
LegacyModulePortDevice |
The LegacyModulePortDevice interface should be supported by hardware devices which
occupy a port on a LegacyModule.
Light |
Light instances are sources of illumination. |
LightSensor |
Light Sensor
NormalizedColorSensor |
NormalizedColorSensor returns color sensor data in standardized units, which
provides a measure of absolute color color intensity beyond the relative
intensities available using ColorSensor . |
OpticalDistanceSensor |
OpticalDistanceSensor is a LightSensor whose reported light intensities
reflect (pun intended) a relationship to distance. |
OrientationSensor |
OrientationSensor provides access to sensors which measure absolute orientation |
PwmControl |
For hardware devices which are manipulated using a pulse width modulation (PWM) signal,
PwmControl interface provides control of the width of pulses used and whether
the PWM is enabled or disabled. |
PWMOutput |
Created by bob on 2016-03-12.
PWMOutputController |
Interface for working with PWM Input Controllers
PWMOutputControllerEx |
Created by bob on 2016-03-12.
PWMOutputEx |
Created by bob on 2016-03-12.
RobotConfigNameable |
RobotConfigNameable provides access to the name by which a device has been configured
within a robot configuration |
RobotCoreLynxModule |
RobotCoreLynxModule is the view of a Lynx Module available at the RobotCore layer. |
RobotCoreLynxUsbDevice |
RobotCoreLynxUsbDevice is the subset of the functionality of the LynxUsbDevice
which is accessible from the RobotCore subsystem.
Servo |
Instances of Servo interface provide access to servo hardware devices.
ServoController |
Interface for working with Servo Controllers
ServoControllerEx |
ServoControllerEx is an optional servo controller interface supported by some hardware
that provides enhanced servo functionality.
SwitchableLight |
SwitchableLight instances are Light s whose on/off status can be
programmatically manipulated. |
TouchSensor |
TouchSensor models a button. |
TouchSensorMultiplexer |
NXT Touch Sensor Multiplexer.
UltrasonicSensor | |
VisuallyIdentifiableHardwareDevice | |
VoltageSensor |
Voltage Sensor
Class | Description |
AnalogInput |
Control a single analog device
AnalogOutput |
Control a single analog device
Blinker.Step |
Blinker.Step represents a particular color held for a particular length of time. |
CRServoImpl |
ContinuousRotationServoImpl provides an implementation of continuous
rotation servo functionality.
CRServoImplEx |
CRServoEx provides access to extended functionality on continuous rotation
DcMotorImpl |
Control a DC Motor attached to a DC Motor Controller
DcMotorImplEx | |
DigitalChannelImpl |
Control a single digital channel
Gamepad |
Monitor a hardware gamepad.
HardwareDeviceHealthImpl |
HardwareDeviceHealthImpl provides a delegatable-to implemenatation of HardwareDeviceHealth |
HardwareMap |
HardwareMap provides a means of retrieving runtime HardwareDevice instances according to the
names with which the corresponding physical devices were associated during robot configuration.
I2cAddr |
I2cAddr represents an address on an I2C bus.
I2cControllerPortDeviceImpl | |
I2cDeviceImpl |
Control a single I2C Device
I2cDeviceReader |
Monitor an I2C Device and read in the most current values
I2cDeviceSynch.HeartbeatAction |
Instances of HeartBeatAction indicate what action to carry out to perform
a heartbeat should that become necessary.
I2cDeviceSynch.ReadWindow |
RegWindow is a utility class for managing the window of I2C register bytes that
are read from our I2C device on every hardware cycle
I2cDeviceSynchDevice<DEVICE_CLIENT extends I2cDeviceSynchSimple> |
I2cDeviceSynchDevice instances are I2c devices which are built on top of
I2cDeviceSynchSimple instances or subclasses thereof. |
I2cDeviceSynchDeviceWithParameters<DEVICE_CLIENT extends I2cDeviceSynchSimple,PARAMETERS> |
I2cDeviceSynchDeviceWithParameters adds to I2cDeviceSynchDevice support for
sensors that can be publicly initialized with parameter block of a particular type. |
I2cDeviceSynchImpl |
I2cDeviceSynchImpl is a utility class that makes it easy to read or write data to
an instance of I2cDevice . |
I2cDeviceSynchImplOnSimple |
I2cDeviceSynchImplOnSimple takes an I2cDeviceSynchSimple and adds to it heartbeat and
readwindow functionality.
I2cDeviceSynchReadHistoryImpl |
I2cDeviceSynchReadHistoryImpl is a helper class providing an implementation
of the I2c read history queue |
IrSeekerSensor.IrSeekerIndividualSensor |
IR Sensor attached to an IR Seeker
LED | |
LegacyModulePortDeviceImpl | |
LightBlinker |
LightBlinker is a handy utility that will flash a SwitchableLight
in a pattern of timed durations, and, optionally, colors, if the light supports same (NYI) |
LightMultiplexor |
LightMultiplexor adapts a second SwitchableLight by adding reference
counting to SwitchableLight.enableLight(boolean) : the light will be lit if the net
number of enables is greater than zero. |
LynxModuleMeta |
LynxModuleMeta has simple lynx module meta information for transmission from RC to DS |
LynxModuleMetaList |
LynxModuleMetaList is a container of RobotCoreLynxModule s. |
NormalizedRGBA |
NormalizedRGBA instances represent a set of normalized color values. |
PIDCoefficients |
PIDCoefficients conveys a set of configuration parameters for a PID algorithm. |
PIDFCoefficients |
PIDFCoefficients conveys a set of configuration parameters for a PIDF algorithm,
a PID algorithm which includes an additional feed-forward term. |
PwmControl.PwmRange |
PwmRange instances are used to specify the upper and lower pulse widths
and overall framing rate for a servo.
PWMOutputImpl |
Control a single digital port
PWMOutputImplEx |
Created by bob on 2016-03-12.
ScannedDevices |
ScannedDevices is a simple distinguished kind of map of serial numbers
to device types. |
ScannedDevices.MapAdapter |
There *has* to be an easier way here, somehow.
ServoImpl |
ServoImpl provides an implementation of the Servo interface that operates on top
of an instance of the ServoController interface.
ServoImplEx |
ServoImplEx provides access to extended functionality on servos.
TimestampedData |
TimestampedData pairs together data which has been read with the timestamp at which
the read occurred, as best that can be determined
TimestampedI2cData |
TimestampedI2cData extends TimestampedData so as to provide an indication
of the I2c source from which the data was retrieved. |
Enum | Description |
CompassSensor.CompassMode | |
ControlSystem |
Used to specify what type of control system a particular piece of hardware is connected to
DcMotor.RunMode |
The run mode of a motor
DcMotor.RunMode controls how the motor interprets the
it's parameter settings passed through power- and encoder-related methods. |
DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior |
ZeroPowerBehavior provides an indication as to a motor's behavior when a power level of zero
is applied.
DcMotorSimple.Direction |
DcMotors can be configured to internally reverse the values
to which, e.g., their motor power is set.
DeviceManager.UsbDeviceType |
Enum of known USB Device Types
DigitalChannel.Mode |
Digital channel mode - input or output
DigitalChannelController.Mode | Deprecated
DigitalChannel.Mode instead |
HardwareDevice.Manufacturer | |
HardwareDeviceHealth.HealthStatus | |
I2cDeviceSynch.ReadMode |
I2cDeviceSynch.ReadMode controls whether when asked to read we read only once or read multiple times. |
I2cDeviceSynchImpl.READ_CACHE_STATUS | |
I2cDeviceSynchImpl.WRITE_CACHE_STATUS | |
I2cWaitControl |
Values in
I2cWaitControl control the semantics of waiting on I2c writes |
IrSeekerSensor.Mode |
Enumeration of device modes
MotorControlAlgorithm |
indicates the control algorithm variant to use with
DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION and DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER . |
Servo.Direction |
Servos can be configured to internally reverse the values
to which their positioning power is set.
ServoController.PwmStatus |
PWM Status - is pwm enabled?
Contains libraries for working with gamepads, DC motor controllers, servo controllers, and more.